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Some of the Liveries

Tea & Brownies

We offer top quality all inclusive DIY Livery so clients can manage their budgets easily and clearly without any 'hidden' extras.
Clients have free unlimited use of all facilities: Indoor school, jumps etc.
We endeavour to provide the highest standards of on-site and external professional horsecare for our clients to refer to.
Our Haylage, Hay and Grazing are of such high quality that to date not a single DIY Livery requires any supplementary hard feed or dietary additives
We consider our liveries as part of the family team and promote a happy, helpful, friendly atmosphere.
Livery Package in Brief
Grazing:  up to 24hrs per day during Summer months, weather permitting up to 6 hrs per day in Winter.

Stable:   12ft x 15ft with locker

Facilites: Free

Hacking:  Excellent and off-road

Bedding and Hay/Haylage... included

DIY LIVERY is charged at  £40 per week plus VAT
Please drop in to see us and have a look round anytime!

For more details contact Rebecca Calvert on 07770 978501 or email becs.calvert@yahoo.co.uk